Anadora Lupo is a romanian design atelier based in Alba Iulia, specialised in creating home decor products by using unique metal bending techniques.
Following an in-depth study, exploring how different metal materials behave and imagining them in all shapes and sizes, she brought to life an unique collection called briefly ECOSEZ.
Dream big! We can design your dream in metal products.
We are using Stripe Payments and your payment is safe and secure. We do not store your credit card details.
We are shipping our products in Romania
We are offering quality and creative design
Safe payments in site
Participant Culturepreneurs 20/21
Culturepreneurs este o activitate din proiectul Cluj Future of Work finanțat de Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Urban Innovative Actions.
ZAIN ACCELERATOR 2021 este un proiect parte din proiectul Cluj Future of Work finantat de Primaria Municipiului Cluj-Napoca si Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala prin Urban Innovative Actions.
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